First of all, if you've lost a loved one, please accept our sincere condolences. We understand that this time must be very difficult for you, and we are here to help. Our dedicated team specializes in funeral videography and memorial event video production services in San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange counties. If you don't need a funeral videographer, we can also help you create a beautiful memorial slideshow video using the footage and photos that you already have. The file would be delivered in MP4 format you can easily play it on a TV screen or a video projector during your event. Below you will find various package options with prices designed to meet your specific needs. If you have any questions or would like to use any of the services listed below, please email us.
- Includes up to 60 photos synced with a background song of your choice (up to 5 minutes).
- Includes custom text at the begging and at the end of the slideshow.
- The slideshow would be ready within 48 hours. Includes one free revision.
- You can submit photos via any online platform. We will deliver the file via Google Drive.
- Includes up to 60 photos synced with a background song of your choice (up to 5 minutes).
- Includes up to 5 (five) videos that can be used in combination with photos or instead of the photos.
- Includes custom text at the begging and at the end of the memorial video.
- The file would be ready within 48 hours. Includes one free revision.
- You can submit photos and videos via any online platform. We will deliver the file via Google Drive.
- Discounts on our western style wedding photography and videography.
- Includes up to 120 photos synced with a background song of your choice (up to 10 minutes).
- Includes up to 20 (twenty ) videos that can be used in combination with photos or instead of the photos.
- For the best result, ask your family members to record short videos saying a few words.
- Includes custom text at the begining and at the end of the memorial video.
- The file would be ready within 48 hours. Includes one free revision.
- You can submit photos and videos via any online platform. We will deliver the file via Google Drive.
- Up to 2 hours of coverage. Approximately 30-60 minutes of unedited HD video content from each camera (1080p).
- Depending on your preference, videographer films your ceremony with 3 cameras on tripods or 1 gimbal camera.
- Pre- and post-ceremony activities along with scenery/decor are beautifully captured with 1 gimbal camera.
- Live streaming, speaker and video projector rental services are available as add-ons at discounted rates.
- $1.00 per mile travel fee to/from your event venue. Setup and teardown time is included.
- Up to 2 hours of coverage. Videographer films your entire ceremony with 3 cameras mounted on tripods.
- Pre- and post-ceremony activities along with scenery/decor are beautifully captured with 1 gimbal camera.
- Full-length edited video delivered within 2 weeks after the event. Expedited editing available for an extra fee.
- Live streaming, speaker, projector and screen rental services are available as add-ons at discounted rates.
- $1.00 per mile travel fee to/from your event venue. Setup and teardown time is included.
- Includes up to 60 photos synced with a background song of your choice (up to 5 minutes).
- Includes custom text at the begging and at the end of the slideshow.
- The slideshow would be ready within 48 hours. Includes one free revision.
- You can submit photos via any online platform. We will deliver the file via Google Drive.
- Includes up to 60 photos synced with a background song of your choice (up to 5 minutes).
- Includes up to 5 (five) videos that can be used in combination with photos or instead of the photos.
- Includes custom text at the begging and at the end of the memorial video.
- The file would be ready within 48 hours. Includes one free revision.
- You can submit photos and videos via any online platform. We will deliver the file via Google Drive.
- Discounts on our western style wedding photography and videography.
- Includes up to 120 photos synced with a background song of your choice (up to 10 minutes).
- Includes up to 20 (twenty ) videos that can be used in combination with photos or instead of the photos.
- For the best result, ask your family members to record short videos saying a few words.
- Includes custom text at the begining and at the end of the memorial video.
- The file would be ready within 48 hours. Includes one free revision.
- You can submit photos and videos via any online platform. We will deliver the file via Google Drive.
- Up to 2 hours of coverage. Approximately 30-60 minutes of unedited HD video content from each camera (1080p).
- Depending on your preference, videographer films your ceremony with 3 cameras on tripods or 1 gimbal camera.
- Pre- and post-ceremony activities along with scenery/decor are beautifully captured with 1 gimbal camera.
- Live streaming, speaker and video projector rental services are available as add-ons at discounted rates.
- $1.00 per mile travel fee to/from your event venue. Setup and teardown time is included.
- Up to 2 hours of coverage. Videographer films your entire ceremony with 3 cameras mounted on tripods.
- Pre- and post-ceremony activities along with scenery/decor are beautifully captured with 1 gimbal camera.
- Full-length edited video delivered within 2 weeks after the event. Expedited editing available for an extra fee.
- Live streaming, speaker, projector and screen rental services are available as add-ons at discounted rates.
- $1.00 per mile travel fee to/from your event venue. Setup and teardown time is included.
Why should you choose one of our funeral videographers?
Our funeral video production services services are designed to provide you with a lasting tribute to your loved one. Whether you need a simple photo slideshow or comprehensive funeral videography coverage with editing, our team is dedicated to creating a beautiful and respectful memorial video that honors the memory of your loved one. We offer:
Professional Quality: Our team has years of experience in wedding, corporate, music and real estate video production, ensuring high-quality results that beautifully capture the essence of your loved one’s life.
Quick Turnaround: We understand the importance of timeliness and offer delivery within 48 hours to help you meet any memorial service deadlines.
Customization: Each video is tailored to your preferences, with custom text and music to reflect the unique personality and life of your loved one.
Affordable Pricing: We offer competitive prices and various packages to fit different budgets and needs, ensuring you can find an option that works for you.
Convenient Submission: Easily submit your photos and videos through any online platform, and receive the final product via Google Drive for convenient access and sharing.
Compassionate Service: Our funeral videographers approach each project with sensitivity and respect, understanding the emotional nature of memorial videos.
Comprehensive Packages: From simple photo slideshows to extensive video highlight films, our diverse range of packages ensures that we can meet a variety of needs and preferences.
Creative Storytelling: With background in San Diego wedding videography, we know how to use creative techniques to weave photos, videos, and music into a compelling narrative that honors your loved one's memory.
Revisions Included: Our packages include at least one free revision to ensure the final product meets your expectations.
Modern Technology: We utilize the latest video editing software and techniques to produce high-definition videos with excellent sound quality.
Stress-Free Process: We handle all aspects of the video production, allowing you to focus on other important matters during this difficult time.
Personal Touch: We can interview guests and record personal messages from family members to create a more intimate and heartfelt tribute.
If you need a funeral videographer in San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles or Orange County, please email us at [email protected]. We are here to provide support and assistance during this challenging time.
Our funeral video production services services are designed to provide you with a lasting tribute to your loved one. Whether you need a simple photo slideshow or comprehensive funeral videography coverage with editing, our team is dedicated to creating a beautiful and respectful memorial video that honors the memory of your loved one. We offer:
Professional Quality: Our team has years of experience in wedding, corporate, music and real estate video production, ensuring high-quality results that beautifully capture the essence of your loved one’s life.
Quick Turnaround: We understand the importance of timeliness and offer delivery within 48 hours to help you meet any memorial service deadlines.
Customization: Each video is tailored to your preferences, with custom text and music to reflect the unique personality and life of your loved one.
Affordable Pricing: We offer competitive prices and various packages to fit different budgets and needs, ensuring you can find an option that works for you.
Convenient Submission: Easily submit your photos and videos through any online platform, and receive the final product via Google Drive for convenient access and sharing.
Compassionate Service: Our funeral videographers approach each project with sensitivity and respect, understanding the emotional nature of memorial videos.
Comprehensive Packages: From simple photo slideshows to extensive video highlight films, our diverse range of packages ensures that we can meet a variety of needs and preferences.
Creative Storytelling: With background in San Diego wedding videography, we know how to use creative techniques to weave photos, videos, and music into a compelling narrative that honors your loved one's memory.
Revisions Included: Our packages include at least one free revision to ensure the final product meets your expectations.
Modern Technology: We utilize the latest video editing software and techniques to produce high-definition videos with excellent sound quality.
Stress-Free Process: We handle all aspects of the video production, allowing you to focus on other important matters during this difficult time.
Personal Touch: We can interview guests and record personal messages from family members to create a more intimate and heartfelt tribute.
If you need a funeral videographer in San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles or Orange County, please email us at [email protected]. We are here to provide support and assistance during this challenging time.